Bad Byron's Specialty Food Products, Inc.

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Barbeque Vector

What Really Lights You Up? Byron Chism Found His Answer.

by  | Jul 2023 | FayettevilleFayetteville-Feature

CHECK YOUR pantry’s seasonings, and you may very well find a bottle with a perky, pantless pig smiling back at you. The journey of Bad Byron’s Butt Rub to a place at your table is seasoned with seeking, stretching, and serendipity. defines serendipity as an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. Byron Chism’s desirable discoveries came as he followed his heart. 

“I trusted God for my future and learned to trust and follow my heart. I think my heart and intuition are God talking if you believe that. The odds were not for me to be successful; for me to get off the ground is like the Hindenburg,” said Chism. 

An in-depth 2023 YouTube documentary, “Barbecue Dreams…The Butt Rub Story,” follows Chism from his boyhood Texas home to his corporate headquarters in Florida and his Mulberry, Tennessee second home…


Barbeque Vector

American Royal reveals stellar lineup of 2023 Barbecue Hall of Fame inductees

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (May 24, 2023) — As part of its mission to recognize, document and preserve barbecue heritage, the American Royal Barbecue Hall of Fame has announced the inductees into its 2023 Hall of Fame class. Four inductees and three legacy inductees are among this year’s honorees.

In recognition of their significant contributions to the barbecue cuisine, Byron Chism, Freeport, Florida; Flora Payne, Memphis, Tennessee; Dave Raymond, Wooddale, Illinois; and Darren Warth, Des Moines, Iowa are being inducted Barbecue Hall of Fame. Bill Arnold, Memphis, Tennessee; Columbus B. Hill, Denver, Colorado; and Rick Schmidt, Lockhart, Texas have also been named as legacy members…

Barbeque Vector

Barbecue Champ – Southern Living Magazine, April 2006, Florida Living Section, pp. 16-19

Graduating from a prestigious culinary school doesn’t guarantee you’ll win a barbecue competition. Byron Chism admits that truth with a good-natured laugh, describing his first steps into the hotly contested world of cook-offs.

Know, before you read on, that since 2001 Byron has been listed every year as one of the top 10 cooks designated by the Kansas City Barbeque Society, which is the largest sanctioned organization for the bestowing of such honors. Know, too, that the field encompasses some 6,000 members. He’s a true winner in the field — now.

“I thought these guys were just out there having fun….”  

Steak Vector Second

Unca Duke’s Geaux Jus® & Bad Byron’s Butt Rub – by Margit Bisztray – Coastal Homes & Lifestyles, 04/08

Vinegar, chilies, garlic: put them all together and what do you have?

If you’re anywhere Duke Bardwell and Byron Chism can reach, you’ve got Unca Duke’s Geaux Jus®: a premium pepper sauce made from a honey-infused balsamic vinegar and white balsamic vinegar with whole garlic cloves and chili peppers.
Geaux Jus is French for “go juice.”

“Happy mouth, I call it,” says Bardwell. “That heat that only mellows with age.”

The rise of competitive BBQing – By Darren Rovell –

With its recent purchase of the National Hockey League’s television rights, OLN is showing signs that it might push to become a major sports network. Whether that ever comes to fruition might depend as much on beef on grills as skates on ice.

Byron’s Trophy Room – BBQtv – Added to March 16, 2008

“Byron Chism has the most diverse collection of BBQ trophies from ten years of competing…”
“In matters of cookery there are not a number of principles, there is only one, and that is to satisfy the person you are serving.”
– Marie-Antoine Careme (French Chef 1783-1833)

