Bad Byron's Specialty Food Products, Inc.

Angela H.

Testimonial 1

“Ya’ll not only have the BEST seasoning ever, but you are also the nicest company that I have ever dealt with! Thank You So Much!”

Pamela S.

“EVERYBODY that I introduce to this product becomes a “butt-rub” loyalist! You have supporters from Ohio to TN and points beyond to Texas! I can’t go home without it. Keep it comin’!! It’s great stuff!”

Deanne P., Danville, IA

“Hands down you have the best spice – we love it – the kids love it – the kids love it!!!!”

Terry K., Charlotte, NC

“You are awesome. Thank you. There is truly no better product on the market. We put this on everything!”

Pam B., Villa Park, CA

“I love your products and can not live without them. I use Buttrub® on everything! It is great on all meats, vegetables, eggs and especially great in rice. Your honey is fabulous as well.”

Mike K., Ft. Collins, CO

“Roman Soldiers were often paid in salt, maybe Rome would still be a world power if they had paid with ‘Butt Rub®’!”

Michael M., Alsip, IL

“Saw you on the Food Network and this stuff better be good. 🙂 Congrats on the win…and your Mom is adorable.”

